Copyright and Intellectual Property (IP) Guidelines

  • Nothing that is protected by copyright may be copied or altered without permission of the copyright owner, in this case The Makaton Charity (TMC). This includes word lists, vocabulary, symbol and sign graphics, and the name Makaton.
  • You may use the Makaton Tutor logo .
  • You may not use The Makaton Charity’s main Makaton logo or header, except in resources published by TMC. 
  • You can promote Makaton training on your website / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter feed, but you should not teach through these media.
  • You must use the correct titles and descriptions for Makaton workshops and resources, which you can find in the Tutor Guidelines and the online Makaton Shop (for example, you should not describe the workshop training as Accredited).
  • If you use photographs of people, make sure you have the appropriate permissions for them.
  • You may not reproduce Makaton signs and symbols or images from published resources on your website or social media without licence or express written permission from the copyright holder, The Makaton Charity.
  • You may only use authorised signs, symbols and line drawings of signs in Makaton resources or training.
  • You may use Makaton in your business name, email address, website and social media, but we do have some rules around its use to avoid any confusion with The Makaton Charity’s online identity and email addresses, or any misinterpretation, for example that you are representing Makaton as a whole rather than providing training:
    • Website domain names, email address and social media account names and tags may include the brand name Makaton but it must be followed by Tutor or Training.
    • A Tutor’s Makaton email address, website and social media page names must include their own name and Makaton Tutor or Makaton Training, rather than just Makaton. Examples of an acceptable name and email address are MakatonTutorFred or FredHarrisMakatonTraining.