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Phoebe Hyder


About me:
Im an Actor, Puppeteer, Movement and Puppetry Director. I am also a qualified Yoga Teacher (200hr YATT).

I was first introduced to Makaton in the rehearsal room as a production I was puppeteering on used it- since then I fell in love with it and trained to become a tutor. I love to create work using the Makaton vocabulary both as a communication tool for participants but as well as a performative element.

Therefore my application of Makaton is not in the classroom setting but in enrichment and lifestyle situations. As a tutor my point of entry is less steered towards literary and writing and more to commutating and taking part.

I am happy to deliver in person and online workshops.
Past experience:
- Tutoring at Haringey Shed
- Chichester Festival Theatre
- Working with school across Creative Counties West Sussex
- Teaching at CFYT
- Teaching across Keystage 1-Post graduate
Interested in:
- Teaching Taster Workshops
- Teaching L1-4
- Creating bespoke workshops using Makaton and puppetry
- Working with groups from the arts sector
- Working with schools to deliver Makaton within the creative setting (dance drama puppetry movement)

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