Makaton Places FAQs

What is Makaton Aware?

Makaton Aware is an innovative initiative committed to breaking down communication barriers and ensuring that everyone feels valued and understood. It's ideal for individuals or businesses looking to promote inclusivity without requiring extensive training.

What is Makaton Friendly?

Makaton Friendly is a partnership programme designed to make organisations and community spaces more accessible to Makaton users. It involves comprehensive training and support to ensure partners can effectively accommodate the needs of Makaton users. To participate in the programme, organisations are required to have a Premium Group Membership, which provides access to additional resources and support essential for maintaining Makaton Friendly environments.

What is the difference between Makaton Aware and Makaton Friendly?

Both pathways emphasise creating welcoming and supportive environments for people with learning and communication difficulties.

Makaton Aware organisations strive for inclusivity by adhering to the Makaton Aware Guiding Principles, but are not required to complete Makaton training.

Makaton Friendly organisations have staff who have undergone Makaton training and use their Premium Membership to provide a welcoming environment for Makaton users.

What separates Makaton Aware from Makaton Friendly pathways?

Makaton Aware strives for inclusivity but may not have fully Makaton trained staff, whereas Makaton Friendly ensures trained staff and premium membership for comprehensive support, both aiming to create welcoming environments for Makaton users.

Both pathways emphasize creating welcoming and supportive environments for people who use Makaton.

Do I need to partner with a Makaton Tutor to become Makaton Aware?

No, you don't need a Makaton Tutor's approval for Makaton Aware. This initiative focuses on raising awareness about Makaton and other communication methods within the community.

I am not sure which pathway to choose for my organisation?

Makaton Aware is the right choice for you if your organisation wants to:

  • demonstrate an awareness of different communication needs and promote inclusivity, empower individuals and foster meaningful connections within your community.

Makaton Friendly is the right choice for you if your organisation wants to:

  • improve accessibility for anyone living with learning or communication difficulties
  • undergo Makaton Training in order to feel confident communication with Makaton Users
  • be proactive in using Premium Membership and Makaton resources to enhance customer experience

How do I pay my annual enrolment fee?

Payment for your organisation can be paid directly online by Debit or Credit card.

A copy of the payment receipt can be sent to your Finance Team if required, just include their email address at point of payment.

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How does enrolment work?

Enrolment works on an annual basis. Our enrolment year runs from 1st January to 31st December. However you can join during any point during the year!

You will receive a dated certificate and window sticker for each year you are enrolled, included in your resource pack.

You will receive an email when your enrolment is coming to an end with instructions and information about how to enrol for the following year.

I am Makaton Aware but I would like to become Makaton Friendly, can I do this?

Yes! Makaton Aware organisations can choose to become Makaton Friendly at any time, by completing Makaton Training and purchasing a Premium Group Membership. For more information about this, contact us at [email protected]

I am Makaton Friendly but I would like to be Makaton Aware, can I do this?

Yes! Makaton Friendly organisations can choose to become Makaton Aware. Please contact us at [email protected] to discuss the process.

If my organisation already has a Premium Group Membership and wants to become Makaton Friendly, do we need a new account?

If your organisation already has a group account, the admin of the group account can simply log in and follow the steps under the Makaton Friendly menu option to join.

Can I use my organisation’s existing account to become Makaton Aware?

Yes, you can apply for Makaton Aware using this account. The group administrator can log in to the established account and complete the Makaton Aware application from there.

If you have a Premium Group Membership account, you can still join Makaton Aware. Though, if your organisation has completed training and you're in touch with a Makaton Tutor, you may want to consider becoming Makaton Friendly.


If you have any further questions about Makaton Aware or Makaton Friendly, we’d love to talk to you! Please contact us on [email protected] or 01276 606760.